
Thursday, October 28, 2010

Are You a No-Reply Blogger?

I've received SOOOO many awesome comments/entries into the scrappy birthday giveaway, BUT guess what!? Some of you (whom I shall not mention) are no-reply bloggers and if you WIN the giveaway I won't be able to contact you and I'll have to choose SOMEONE ELSE!!!!! SOOO, please hop over to Jodi's BLOG and read her GREAT post about how to change that so that you CAN be contacted. THANKS!!

Happy Stitches,

Sorry for all the capital letters, I just want to get my point across. did it work?


  1. Shame...I was a no-reply blogger! But in my defense I've only figured out this whole blogging stuff in the last few weeks. Thanks for clearing that up for me...I assumed if I posted a comment then the blog owner could contact me. PS - The caps work! ;)

  2. I was one of those and I cleared it up. Thank you ever so much.
