
Friday, October 29, 2010

Scrappy Birthday Fabric Giveaway AND Quilt Market!!

Drumroll please...

The winner of the scrappy birthday giveaway is #61 out of 198 comments!

Lori said...

Last year was a quiet one. Went to dinner and celebrated with family. I would make a doll blanket for my granddaughter.

Congrats!!! I've been in touch through e-mail but if you see this first please e-mail me with your home address so I can send the box of goodness out to you!!

Thanks to EVERYONE who entered! It was so incredibly awesome to get 198 birthday wishes from you all plus getting to hear what everyone would do with the scraps. I truely think that quilters are the mostest generous people EVER!!

I'm heading out to Houston Fall Quilt Market in just a couple of hours, yippee! I'll probably be a little slower in replying to e-mails because I'll be at the Market all day but just know that I'm searching out FABULOUS new patterns and fabrics and awesome new goodies for the shop.

I'm also going to do my bestest to figure out how to use Twitter so I can give updates about what's going on so I hope you'll follow me on Twitter. AND if you want some cool info about this trade show for fabric shop vendors, go to your Twitter account and search for #quiltmarket It will bring up everything everyone is saying about Quilt Market including pictures! I guess the cat's out of the bag now!!

Happy Stitches,


  1. Woo Hoo! That's me! I sent you an email. Thank you, thank you.

  2. Congratulations Lori! What a lovely gift idea to make a doll blanket for your grandaughter. A true heirloom in the making;-D

