
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Inspiration from Blogland

Someone new decided to follow me on Twitter the other day.

I thought her website name, Design Seeds, was interesting so I went to check it out.

Click to visit blog

How inspiring! She combines all these beautiful color palettes and posts them with an inspiration picture! Not only is this an inspiration for decorating my home (yeah right) but more over I could totally see taking these color combinations and creating quilts! And it turns out, I already have fabrics that are in these color palettes:

This looks so fun and fresh, perfect for a little child's quilt! Look at this perfect charm pack I have that has all these colors!

And these are the prettiest girl colors.

What do you know? I have a charm pack that goes with that too!

And can't wait to make a quilt out of these colors:

You know, I think Jessica (from Design Seeds) just might be on to something over there! Now you should go check out Design Seeds because there are so many more pictures to inspire! Which one is your favorite?

Happy Stiches,


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