
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Making Stuff Today

This is a ticker tape block, which is the February Block of the Month project for the San Antonio Modern Quilt Guild. And I finished it, before February!!! (the background is white and has moons, because my last name is Luna which means moon in various languages)

This is an apron I just whipped up, no pattern, just an idea in my head. I've been meaning to make an apron from this fabric for FOREVER! It has the cutest phrases on it like "Dating? I'd rather be sewing!" or "I told him not to make me choose between him and my fabric, I'll really miss him." It's hilarious!! The back is the cutest red with little white flowers on it. And of course I had to throw a giant pocket on it, since I plan to wear this at the Kingsland Quilt Show next week. It's my first quilt show to EVER be a vendor!
Wish me luck!

So I'd say that I've been very productive today, for a Thursday especially. This means that tomorrow I'll actually have something to show off at the Friday Sew and Tell here at the studio. Oh and making the block and the apron? That was sort of like procrastinating from what I really need to do which is finish up the Sugar Free quilt. (More on that later.)

Happy Thursday Stitches to everyone!!



  1. Hi Anna~ Cute apron! I'm in the process of sewing one up for me too! I enjoy your blog and like your shop. Wishing you the best next weekend at your quilt show! ~Laura

  2. Enjoy the show...N take lots of pictures!
