
Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Years Resolutions and a GIVEAWAY

What are YOUR new years resolutions this year?

They can be sewing related or not. I'd just love to hear what your goals are. If you comment on this post with YOUR resolutions, I'll enter you in a drawing for...your choice of a bubble envelope FULL of scraps from my shop fabrics OR a charm pack of your choice from the shop

My resolution: To blog more and build a community among my blog readers and customers.

I feel like I'm so lucky to get to meet so many wonderful people who visit my blog and those of you who purchase from my shop. I always want to know WHAT you're making or working on. I mean I always share, why not try to build a community so I can see what you make? That might mean a few things, it might mean moving my blog to Wordpress (gasp!) or building a Ning social network site (gasp!) or figuring out Blog Frog (gasp!) But right now, I'll just remind you of the Sew and Show flicker group I have and I'll encourage you to visit it and share pictures you have of projects you've made or UFOs you have and want to finish this year.

Looking forward to your replies!

Oh and the giveaway drawing will be held on Saturday, January 8th.

Happy Stitches,



  1. I like your goal! I'd like to slow down a bit and focus more on detail... maybe actually finish one of my blocks-of-the-month programs that I've been in. Now that I think about it, I've never finished one single BOM quilt, not even a top. Yes, I think I just found one of my goals.

  2. One of my resolutions is to actually sew (including learning to use my sewing machine this year!). To ensure that I keep this I've set myself a challenge, The Sew Creative Challenge 2011 (open to anyone). I'd love to win as the prize could help me succeed in my personal challenges this year!

  3. My resolution is to simply be happy and stop looking for thecracks in my life that need fixing and instead look for the positives and build on them.

    I have heaps of bits I am working on at the moment - Not too far from my first finish I hope.

    Fee X

  4. My goal is to be better organized. I need to organize my sewing room, but also pretty much every room in my house lol! :)

  5. I would just like to increase my follower base because they form the crux of the community with similar interests. I read, and I quilt and I also like crafty stuff so would really like people of similar interests on my blog.

    The followers I do have - have given me so much feedback and inspiration to do more and more.

  6. My resolutions this year were fairly simple. To keep my house cleaner, the rebuild my broken Faith, be better organized, start paying off our debt, exercise every day, and to build our new candle company into something that is profitable! :-)

  7. Other than the usual lose weight type of resolutions, I'm going to try to 'not sweat the small stuff'. Rather than get caught up in the tiny details, look towards the bigger picture.

  8. I have a bunch of resolutions, but among the most important ones are losing weight/getting fitter, spending more focussed time in my craft room (and re-organizing it!), learning some new skills, improving my blog and expanding my sadly neglected Etsy shop.

  9. My resolution is to work with canvas doing multi-media and to spend less time on the computer...

  10. I have already started and should have been doing it for years.
    I am going to keep a book of everything that I make. What pattern, what fabric and how much it cost, ideas, colours.
    I guess it's like a design book really but I am also going to be keeping a tally of the hours spent (or increments of) in the making of each item.

  11. My resolution this year is to enjoy myself! That means plenty more time spent sewing, knitting and crocheting - projects that I WANT to do! Also building my blog Plus spending lots of time with my family. The rest is kind of superfluous!

  12. Thanks for the giveaway. My quilting related goals for 2011 is to make more smaller projects. I enjoy them and the satisfaction of finishing something. Happy New Year!

  13. I'd like to try taking at least one picture a day-I already missed yesterday but made up for it today :)

  14. I have several goals, sewing related and not. The top two are to sew EVERY day (I have several small projects lined up to make it easy, even if it's just 10 minutes a day), and second, to get the rest of our miscellaneous boxes unpacked from moving!

  15. My goals for this year include but are not limited to: blogging more consistantly, using social networking to help build my following, and sewing more of my ufo's that my family is waiting on!

  16. I'd like to get organized and work on building muscle and losing fat this year! 30 Day Shred starts this week at my house! ;)

  17. The year of a million resolutions. Go to the gym at least 3 days per week; learn to play the ukulele; get a walking foot for my machine/get a new machine; read for at least a half hour per night after dinner with my husband; go to a nice dinner downtown once per month; continue with my my one month+ streak of church going. It's nice to have a new start every year to jump things into a new pattern!

  18. My goal Anna is to organize my quilting fabrics and my wool so I know what I have and can shop accordingly!

  19. I want to be more fearless with my sewing! Try new things without being scared! :) Happy New Year!

  20. Hi, Anna! My goal is to get my quilt ministry more organized - printed patterns, prepared kits on hand, stash organized all the time, train up more quilters, be better about keeping our fabric donors in the loop, and have a stash of completed quilts on hand when the holidays roll around so that we don't get stressed out trying to get our own gifts done and make quilts for the ministry!

    Thanks for the chance at your giveaway!!

  21. My goal is to get my quilts accepted into a juried show.

  22. My goal would be to get involved in a sewing guild after I move to NC in March. I am a really shy person so that is going to be a huge jump for me:)

    I like your ideas;)

  23. I want to go through an entire learning to sew book, in order, like it's a class. I also want to make a quilt and learn to knit.

  24. Organize! For sure and stay organized. Also to blog more and keep up with my business. I get side tracked to easily.
    Happy New Year!

  25. I do not have a resolution per se, but I plan on getting more physically active this year. Thanks so much!
    bridgestranslation at yahoo dot com

  26. My resolutions include taking my dog on more walks (3x wk) and to the dog park (once/wk); sending birthday cards instead of using FB to say Happy Bday; and do one type of charitable activity per month (volunteering, donating)

  27. My resolutions include taking my dog on more walks (3x wk) and to the dog park (once/wk); sending birthday cards instead of using FB to say Happy Bday; and do one type of charitable activity per month (volunteering, donating)

  28. I have a few goals for the new year--some sewing related and some family related!
    -I'd like to start creating more boy items for my etsy shop
    -I'd like to finish an oliver + s jump rope dress for my older daughter's third birthday
    -I'd like to keep my fabrics organized better and my sewing nook much cleaner! :(
    -I'd like to plan more preschool type activities for my older daughter and I to work on while my younger daughter naps!

  29. I don't really make resolutions, but I do need to eat healthier, and am always trying to improve on that! Thanks for the giveaway.

  30. One of my 43 things this year is to sew an apron, and I would love some beautiful fabric to use.

    Happy 2011!

  31. Its all about being healthier this year. Well, and making alot more handmades for my home. Would love a charm pack! Thanks for the chance.

  32. Ok, I am going to say this out loud (I haven't yet): I am going to begin doing more physical activity to become more fit, I am going to get over my fear factor & start really using my big bells & whistles sewing machine, & I am going to slow down more~~focus on working on projects I want to do, instead of "filling my basket" with new things that I don't have time to pursue & keep me from quilting more (my first & true love!).

  33. Some of my goals are;
    1. Lose some weight & do more exercises.
    2. Be a little more organized
    3. Be more productive & waste less time ;-)

    Thanks for the chance :-)

  34. My resolution is a two-parter - to get my sewing room more organized and do more quilting for charity this year.

  35. My goal is to make every effort to put my family first! No projects or friends or phone calls or internet or tv will step in my way.

  36. I plan to spend more time with my family. My daughter wants to sew with mom so we bought a quilt kit just for her. We will have fun together learning, get a great quilt and she can share my passion!

  37. I have many resolutions, including losing weight, Staying more organized and be present in the moment! Thanks for the giveaway!

  38. My finish my UFOs before starting any new projects.

  39. I'm still working on my resolution list - 2011 came up faster than I was expecting! A couple sewing related things I would like to accomplish this year are to find and buy my dream sewing machine, and to open an etsy shop.

  40. My guiding phrase for 2011 is "Do What Matters Most". So far--three days in--that has served to help me immediately prioritize, resist the temptation of procrastination, and disregard the "urgent but not important" things that so often demand attention. And I've made time for quilting, as it is one of the things that matters most.

    Thanks for the giveaway.

  41. I've got only one resolution: to finish quilts started in 2010. And maybe another one: not to buy fabrics a lot:)

  42. I'm not sure if it's a resolution buy I want to create more and learn something new at least once a month.thanks for the opportunity

  43. One of my goals is to finish the quilt that I started! Thanks for a great giveaway, Anna!

  44. I'm hoping to get myself organized. I'd like to turn my crafty biz up a notch, but to do that I've got to get on top of the rest of my life.
    Here's hoping!

  45. same as every year- be happy,healthy and present!

  46. I would like to be more organized! I feel that if I can finally accomplish that, then everything will fall into place :)
    Thanks for the chance!

  47. my new years res - To make my blog expand and grow.

    I would want a Sugar Pop Charm Pack by Liz Scott

  48. Mine would be to stop being shy about showing people ot starting a shop and finally try to sale my art (which right now is mostly needle felting) Also to learn everything about the sewing machine Santa brought me so I can sew a ton more stuff and faster since in wont be hand stitched :)

  49. My resolution is to take a chance and start something big. I'm already working on that and I'm excited to see where it takes me. I also plan to become more organized in general.


  50. Hi Anna...resolutions/goals for 2011 are in order..finishFinishFINISH!! I actually made a list last year of UFO's and it was mind boggling, but I've crossed a few off.That being said, next would be "stop-eating-meals-just-because-they're-free"(tour-bus-drivers=big butts) LOL Happy New Year to you! overtheroadquilter

  51. My goal is to learn to sew with the books I've bought recently.

  52. I have a 3 yr old son, so I've decided to chunk my new years resolutions into time frames and not listing projects, such as sew 20 mins a day each day (instead of listing it as finishing the 3 quilty ufo's I have). I would like to read more (30 mins a day). And go to bed early. Sounds easy, but somehow going to bed early has slipped through my hands for the past several months :)

  53. My resolutions for 2011 are to have a blog post a day :') , make more time to make stuff, be so so much more organised..and to generally, be happy !

    Happy late new year!
