
Monday, January 3, 2011

Origins by Basic Grey on SALE

PSST Did you see the picture over there -------------------------------->
All of my Origins Yardage (and precuts) is ON SALE but ONLY THIS WEEK
(click the picture to the right to see my Origins selection)

PSSSTTT Are you signed up for my newsletter ?(scroll down on the website, enter your name in the Shop Updates Box) OR sign up in the box to the right       -------------------------------->
I'm planning to send out a coupon code for the month for 10% off your order!

Happy Stitches,

PS Don't forget to leave a comment for the GIVEAWAY! And make sure you either include your e-mail in your comment or the no-reply-blogger option is disabled. I can't give your prize if I can't contact you about winning! (If you already commented and realized that you are a no-reply-blogger, PLEASE comment again with your e-mail OR e-mail me with your address)

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