
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Giveaway Going on at Pleasant Home

NOTE: In order to enter this drawing YOU MUST post a comment on Jodi's blog. Posting a comment here, while great, will NOT get you entered! And make sure you include your e-mail in your comment OVER THERE.

Jodi, over at Pleasant Home, always posts AMAZING pictures and ideas. She features a blogger on a regular basis and has been a source of inspiration for me for a LONG time! Of course, when she offered the option to advertise I jumped on it! We've decided to offer a fabric giveaway from my shop and I thought it would be fun to send my readers over to her to enter the giveaway. She's already had over 200 comments, but why not enter just for fun! So if you're interested, just pop over to Pleasant Home and say hi and enter the giveaway. While you're there, you'll probably want to sign up to get her posts in your e-mail OR to be a follower. I just look forward every day to the inspiration she sends to my inbox.

Thanks Jodi!!

Happy Stitches to all and Good Luck,


  1. I've been on your blog recently and I love it! Today I just want to say Hi:) (Jodi sent me:)))

  2. Hi, just hopped over from Pleasant Home to say thanks for the giveaway - the fabric looks fantastic. More time "lost" in BlogLand.

  3. Hi! I popped over from Pleasant Home and wanted to thank you for the awesome fabric for the giveaway! Love your blog!

  4. Thank you for the fabulous fabric giveaway at Pleasant Home. I love connecting to crafting and sewing blogs. I've never been here before. I have signed up as a follower.
