
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Project COVER UP San Antonio

I hope I'm not stealing some copyrighted name from someone. We've had almost record low temperatures in San Antonio, Texas yesterday and today and it's not going to get too much warmer. I live in the downtown area of San Antonio and I see a lot of homeless people walking around. It breaks my heart to think that they are down there and out in the elements during the cold night SO I've decided to do something about it! That's how PROJECT COVER UP was born.

Unfortunately, this is only a local project but perhaps, if you feel the same way, you can organize something similar in your area.

Here are some details about PROJECT COVER UP:

Come to my studio any time after 6:00pm this Friday, to help make blankets to donate to a homeless shelter or directly to the homeless. If you have any supplies, spare fabric or batting, even old quilt tops or anything you want to bring, please do. I'll store all the finished items and we can donate them on Saturday morning or sometime next week.  This is FREE and if you dont' know how to sew or knit but want to learn or help, come by we can use people to cut and iron.

If you want to buy a couple yards of that really warm fleece fabric from JoAnns or Hancocks and bring that by that would be helpful too. We can hem the edges, or fringe them with a rotary cutter or otherwise make great use of the fabric. If you prefer to knit or crochet, and you might have some old unfinshed projects left around bring them along because we might be able to put them to good use.

Please e-mail me if you want to attend, so I can sort of get a general idea of how many to expect.

I hope to see you there on Friday! It's going to be cold outside but dry so should be decent driving weather, and I have an amazing heating system in teh studio so it will be toasty! Remember, even if you can't sew or knit, I'll put you to work with a pair of scissors or an iron.

Happy Stitches,


1 comment:

  1. great idea, Anna -=- count me in! (I'll email you, too)
