
Sunday, February 13, 2011

A new (somewhat) Obsession: Knitting

I'm a Knit Wit
This yarn is so soft and fuzzy. I've started to learn to knit! Maybe someday this will be a scarf, and maybe someday it will snow again in San Antonio (snowed the first time in 22 years, on Friday February 4, 2011 I think it was). If you're in San Antonio, you can learn to knit at Crafty Girls Workshop! I've also got a Crochet class or two. I never thought I'd learn to knit, and I'm not sure how long I'll keep it up, but it's sort of calming to do something repetative and rather therapeutic. Much easier to knit while watching a movie than it is to sew. OK, so we've already established that I have Crafter's A.D.D. How about you, do you have multiple crafty hobbies?

Almost There
By the way, I only need 10 more followers to get to 700! Then I'll do a happy dance and a GIVEAWAY! So pass the word if you can.

25 Yard Dash
If you've ordered from me in the past, and you'd like to know your tally of yardage for the 25 yard dash, just drop me an e-mail because I've gone back through the orders all the way back to October and now have all your yardage totals right at my fingertips. (And some of you are only 2 and a half yards away from a 25% discount coupon!!)
Have a great week!



  1. Hi, Anna! I put a mention in my blogpost for today about your "700" goal - hopefully some folks will stop by and sign up!! Good luck!

  2. Okay, here's something else to add to your already full plate -- do a video of beginning crochet & sell it. I would love to take your class, but I live in another state. LOL
