
Friday, February 11, 2011

Sew Close!

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 I feel like I'm just close to 700 followers!! Can I get there before March? You can help. If you like my blog, please choose to follow it. In fact, I prefer the feed reader myself, because I'd rather get e-mail blog posts but I'm weird like that. If I can get to 700 followers in the NEXT week *way before March* then there is going to be a BIG celebration!! Happy Valentines day to me! Thanks for those of you who do follow and do read my somewhat daily ramblings. I promise, they will get better. I have stuff up in that head of mine with ideas to share and tutorials, and GIVEAWAYS! Thanks.

Happy Stitches,

1 comment:

  1. Well, I can't help much because I'm already a follower, but I can feel your pain - I'm just a few people away from 300 followers! I watch that total inch up little by little...... Good luck on getting to 700 followers!
