
Friday, January 29, 2010

OZ-some New Fabrics!

Yes, it's a cheesy pun, I know, but sometimes cheesy is fun too. We've just gotten 10, yes, count them, 10 new bolts of fabric from the newest line by Sanae, called OZ. I hope you can read the names above the pictures because I tried to include those so you'd know which ones you just HAVE to come by and order! And can you tell how incredibly CUTE this fabric would be made up into any number of our FABULOUS new patterns? How about this adorable group of children's tops?
The Beverly Bell Top

Little Sassy Skirts by Cindy Taylor Oates

Or if your little one prefers something a little more "girly" check out our new fabric from Sandi Henderson, called Meadowsweet. We have 8 bolts of that available!

All of these new fabrics and patterns are available RIGHT NOW in the shop! Remember that patterns ALWAYS ship free with fabric purchase!

Also, don't forget about the GIVEAWAY I'm hosting if you visit Becky at Babes in Hairland and post a comment to her Coins for Comments post. To see the details, go back to my other post. You have to do a little fancy click work, go visit her, leave a comment, then come back here and comment to say you did! Then I'll enter you to WIN FREE FABRIC! The coins for comments will be donated to help a family who is adopting children from HAITI.

One more thing WELCOME to all the NEW followers we have gained from the Whimsy Couture Giveaway and from Friday Followers! We're happy to have you along for the ride! Don't forget that if you want to get special e-mails about updates to the shop and occasional promotional coupons, sign up for the newsletter in the sign up box on the right sidebar. Thanks for stopping by!!

Happy Stitches to You,


Thursday, January 28, 2010

Pattern for Sale

I'd like to try something. Would you like to purchase a pattern I've written that I can e-mail you in PDF format? No shipping fees, no processing fees. Just click the buy now button and I'll e-mail you the PDF of my pattern. It's for a quilt I've created called Fit to be Tied because it's easy and you just tie the corners! Here's a picture:

The pattern is $5.50, thanks for reminding me to put the price!

Thanks for your support!

Happy Stitches,

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Giveaway Inspiration

The winner is April! April, if you see this please e-mail me with your mailing address. I'll attempt to contact you through blogger as well.

EDITED: Becky, (Lori is the one who is adopting the kids) over at Babes in Hairland really inspired me today. I don't have the ability to donate in a monetary way to children in Haiti or Doctors without Borders, but I do have an abundant stash of fabrics (part of the reason Crafty Girls Workshop was born). I dug into my stash and found something that I think could help Haiti, in a minor way. My philosophy is that if many people do one small thing, it will become one HUGE thing. Does that make sense? I think Craft Hope for Haiti is a perfect example. OK so here's the deal. I've decided that I want to offer a way to potentially reward you for commenting on Becky's blog and helping to spread the word about it. I want to give you some of my stash. It's 34 squares, precut to 5"x5", I know 34 is a strange number. It's a charm pack that I had, called Look and Learn by American Jane, I opened it and layed out the charms with the hopes of making an apron, but then put them away and changed my mind. I know I started with 40 charms, but I only have 34 left, I believe I may have made them into pin cushions for a giveaway awhile back. But still, 34 should be plenty to make an apron or a tote bag. I also want to include 1 yard of coordinating fabric from the same line. This fabric is NOT readily available to fabric stores right now. If there is any around, it is probably difficult to find. Here are a couple of pictures, I tried my best to include all the squares in the scan, sorry if a few of them are crooked.

The 34 Charms
1 yard coordinating fabric
I'll keep this opportunity open until February 2nd which is when Becky said she will donate the money based on the number of comments. She said you can comment once per day, so consider going back tomorrow to comment too. Here's how to enter the giveaway for this fabric and charm pack:
  • Stop by Becky's blog (1x per day) and leave her a comment
  • Come back here and tell me you did that
  • Tweet about the Coins for Comments (and tell me you did)
  • Post about it on Facebook (tell me you did)
  • Blog about it on your blog (tell me you did)

You'll get one entry for each comment you leave here about each of those items. I'd be so thrilled to get lots and lots of comments so I know that somehow I'm helping in a little way too! I hope you have a wonderful rest of your weekend.

Happy Crafting,


Coins for Comments, please help out

This is a quick post. PLEASE visit Becky over at Babes in Hairland, she's offering to donate 10 cents for each comment she receives on her post to a sweet family that is searching for their adopted children in Haiti. This family lives here, in the US and has been working to adopt these children for two years! She needs LOTS of comment love! So go visit her, right now! And then tell all your friends.


Saturday, January 23, 2010

Another Sweet Moda Bakeshop Tutorial and CGW KIT

It looks like Kim Walus from Bitty Bits and Pieces (a very cute blog, by the way) has written an AWESOME tutorial to make up some adorable Valentines holders just in time for V-day! Of course this is a tute that's over on Moda Bake Shop and I was looking at the materials and it turns out Crafty Girls Workshop has EVERYTHING you need to create this cute Valentine holder for your kids (or yourself). A month or two ago, we ordered an entire bolt of Peltex and Fusible Fleece, just to get an idea of what this Peltex stuff was. It's a very stiff stabilizer that is rather tricky to work with, mostly if you're using it for lining a bag, but I think it would be perfect for the Valentine holder in the tutorial. So click here for the KIT for this cute tutorial. I hope you'll take a look. We've also listed some GREAT ric rac that we've had for awhile and it would make a great embellishment for this exact project.

Happy Crafting!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

New Fabric! Sandi Henderson Meadowsweet

Some new fabrics have arrived and I wanted you all to know, they are posted and waiting for you to stop by and grab some. The fabrics are from Meadowsweet by Sandi Henderson! Perfect to chase away the winter blues!

Sweet, isn't it!? Stop by and get it while it lasts! We have 5 yards listed oneach so you can choose a quantity up to that much at checkout, but if you want more than 5 yards, we are happy to accomodate you. Just drop us a line and we'll set up the listing for you! I think these fabrics would be so cute made into skirts or tote bags or quilts. There are so many ideas! That's the update for now.

Happy Stitches to You,


Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Did You Know?

Isn't that picture adorable!? Luckily, when we cut the fabric you order, we have this fabulous tool called a rotary cutter and a self healing mat, it makes life SOO much easier! But the big Did You Know for the day is this:

We'll cut as little as a 1/2 yard of any fabric!!

We understand that sometimes when you are sewing garments you might require strange amounts of fabric, so just send us a message by clicking on the Contact Craftygirlsworkshop link on the right hand side of our Etsy shop. Let us know what you'd like and we'll let you know if we can accomodate you, most of the time, I bet the answer will be "Sure! No problem!" Even though our philosophy is "You can never have TOO much fabric" we realize that not everyone can buy extra so let us know what you need and we'll do our best to work with you.

That's it for now. Have a great evening!

Happy Stitches to You,


Monday, January 18, 2010

Craft Hope for Haiti

Craft Hope for Haiti Shop Spreading seeds of hope one stitch at a time

This is one of the reasons I LOVE the Internet and the generosity of quilters and crafters everywhere. A wonderful person name Jade, who happens to live only around an hour away from me in Austin, started a project a long time ago called Craft Hope. She's given her time and resources many times over and this time she's done it again. In an effort to respond to the devestation in Haiti she and some other blogger friends have opened an Etsy shop to raise money for Doctors without Borders who are on the ground in Haiti. What did they put in the shop? Items made by sooo many generous crafters and quilters out there! And apparently, the donations are still rolling in, so many in fact that there is a 24 hour turn around time to get things posted! And get this--this shop has raised over $7000 in 48 hours for Haiti!!! Isn't that amazing!! If you'd like to know more, go and read her words about what is going on. She lovingly shares the goings on behind the scenes of Craft Hope on her blog. What totally bowls me over is that Jade just had a baby three or four months ago and yet she selflessly gives of her time. I am sure they would still appreciate more donations of items or just to have you stop by the shop and purchase something. This is truly amazing and I'm so glad that I have found it. I went through my usual list of about 15 blogs I check almost every day and about 10 of them had the blue button you see at the top of this post on their blogs too. Please help spread the word. If you check the Craft Hope blog, scroll down a bit and you can grab the code for the button to post on your blog too. Let's set the Internet on fire with Craft Hope for Haiti!

NOTE: Crafty Girls Workshop will be donating this tote bag for the Craft Hope for Haiti shop. They said there is a 24 hour turnaround time on the listings so check back tomorrow for the link!

EDIT: The link is live now! Click the picture or either of the underlined words above to go to the Craft Hope for Haiti shop and see the bag. They're approaching having raised $10,000 woohoo!!

Happy Stitches to You,


Sunday, January 17, 2010

Children's Activity Tote KIT is Available!

Moda Bake Shop

Since there was a lot of interest in the tutorial, I decided to create a kit of supplies to go with it! Turns out we have all the stuff you need to make it, including the snaps! We'll even be happy to switch out charm packs or Bella Solids if you'd prefer, just let us know in the message to seller at checkout. Thanks Moda Bake Shop and Melissa Ann Stramel from Lilac Lane for this tutorial!

Wouldn't this be a great and fast go-to gift for birthday parties? I love educational gifts like this.

Happy Stitches to You,


Saturday, January 16, 2010

Check out this Cute Tutorial!

Moda Bakeshop has a cute tutorial for using those ADORABLE Love U Charm packs. It calls for one charm pack and coordinating yardage. We have several solid colors that would be perfect for the lining. How about the Mint Green Bella Solid or the pretty Baby Yellow Bella Solid? The best part? 1 charm pack and 1/2 yard of fabric makes 2 bags! Make one for your child and one for a friend or if you have more than one child, they can each have their own, and reduce the chance of them getting into fights. I think these bags are just awesome and can't wait to try making one myself, and I don't even have any kids! And what a sweet sentiment to make one or up of these up in the L'Amour fabrics to show a special child they are loved for Valentine's Day or even for a birthday. If you choose to purchase the supplies to make this tote bag, just leave us a note in the message to seller and we'll print off and include a copy of the tutorial for you with your purchase.
Happy Stitching!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Boutique by Chez Moi has finally Arrived!

We have been eagerly anticipating the arrival of this fabric since JULY! Boutique is a new line by one of my favorite design groups, Chez Moi. I have absolutely ADORED every line they have created up until now and Boutique is NO exception! Here is what we have:

This is an image of the fabrics that are included in the Charm Pack.

Pink Speckles (Yardage available) Very cute blender!

Scarlet Pansies (yardage Available)

Charm Pack (5"x5" squares, 42 total, some may be duplicated)

Flower Pin Rose (yardage available)

Beautiful focus fabric.

We also have great jelly rolls and layer cakes available that match! Very soon we'll be posting the fat quaters in mini short stack bundles as well. Please stop by and take a look. We're also working on some samples using our patterns and these beautiful fabrics. Regina has a great technique for super fast applique that you are just going to LOVE! Check back soon!

Happy Stitches to You,


Saturday, January 9, 2010

Brrrr...It's COLD!

Yes, I know it's a cliche but baby, it's COLD outside!! I live in San Antonio, TX a rather southern part of Texas. We aren't used to temperatures in the 30s and we've had multiple days in the 30s! It's sort of crazy because this last summer we had multiple days where the temperature went above 100. Wow, what a contrast to now! So, when the weather gets cold like this, it makes me glad I have a quilt made of chenille and flannel for my couch to snuggle under, and some warm quilts to keep me toasty. It also makes me think of making...PJs!! We have a couple of great patterns for making PJs so I thought I'd feature them today.

I think this pattern for Jack & Jill Jammies by Idygo Junction is just adorable! It's great for both boys and girls and has several options. This would be a fast project to put together using some of our flannel/woven fabrics. We managed to pick a few bundles of wovens up at the Moda warehouse last year and I think they would be perfect and snuggly for your young one made into these jammies. Or, if you're like me and don't have any little ones running around (or at least none that don't already have fur coats) then you might be interested in putting together some jammies for yourself or your spouse. That's why the Sleep Well PJs pattern by Favorite Things would be perfect for you.Another economical option because it has both men's and women's patterns included! Think of all the variety you can get from one pattern! So with cold weather, you'll probably want to stay inside and yet still be productive and you can be by making PJs to keep you warm! If you order this weekend, they'll go out on Monday and you can probably get the pattern/fabric and maybe even get the entire thing finished by next weekend! I don't expect this arctic blast to last here in South Texas, but I think it's going to hit the rest of the country for at least a couple more weeks. Oh, and if you haven't ever really ventured into the world of garment making (because you prefer quilting) this would be a perfect time to try it. PJs are relatively straightforward in construction and if you make a goof, it won't matter as much because no one will really see it! If you do buy this and make them, we'd really love to see the finished product. I hope you'll take pictures and share them with us by commenting with your blog post link. Thanks for stopping by tonight and I hope you're keeping warm!

Happy Stitches to You,


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Work in Progress Wednesday

Fabrics: Spring Stripe, High Tea (Michael Miller) and Berry Whisper (Girly Girl)
Looky looky what I made! I did it! I finally made something out of the fabrics in our shop! Here it is:

It was really easy and fun to make. I totally loved sewing with the fabrics from our shop! I think that High Tea fabric was perfect! I see more of these in my future, not to mention some kid's aprons too! What do you think? Do you have any projects you been working on that you'd like to share? Please add a link to your blog post below. (Bare with me, this is my first attempt at using McLinky.)

Let's see how many we can link to! Share the love too, stop by and say hi to the other WIPper Snappers!

Happy Stitches to You,

Crafty Girls Workshop

P.S. This is hopefully going to be a recurring Wednesday post, hopefully.

I also linked this up at Amy's Sew & Tell.