
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Fab Shop Hop Starts Tomorrow!

So, have you registered yet? The Fab Shop Hop starts TOMORROW July 1st! It runs all month and you'll have plenty of time to visit all the shops, find the bunnies and keep searching for amazing fabrics! Of course, you'll come back to OUR shop and buy the most fabric, right? How about this? I'm getting ready to send out the July newesletter and it will have a SUPER duper coupon code for all the subscribers! So, you'd better go and sign up for it, right now!! ------------>

Plus, to register your e-mail so you can claim your entry in the drawings for various gift certificates and MAJOR prizes, you have to visit the Fab Shop Hop website by clicking the bunny below (good practice for the "real hop" tomorrow.)

Come on you need to treat yourself because you've been working so hard this summer taking care of your kids or just plain working, right? Also, since tomorrow is the first day of July we'll have a NEW fabric collection going on special for the ENTIRE month! But you might want to get yours ASAP since we expect to have thousands more visitors and shoppers coming to our site (more than usual) and they might just grab up some of that ----- you'll have to wait to see what it is ---- before you get a chance!

The BIGGEST bonus of shopping online is that we're "open" 24 hours and you can shop in your PJs, and when hubby is sleeping, and kids are sleeping and when the dog is sleeping. If you buy something after midnight (any time zone) it won't "count" against you or your stash, haha. That's my rule at least.

And, stay tuned, because we're going to offer a GREAT new special for July too that might just encourage you to snap up a few more bundles for your collection.

SO, needless to say (although I'll do it anyway) there are A LOT of fun things coming in July! Stay tuned to the blog, Twitter, and Facebook and be sure to sign up for the newsletter for that coupon code!

By the way, if you DO register for the shop hop today (or any day) and visit the shop, PLEASE stop by and add a comment to the Guest Book! You might just get entered into a DRAWING for FREE stuff!!

Winner of the Wacky Website Challenge will be announced tomorrow!

Hoppy Stitches,


How To FabShop Hop
FabShop Hop Registration
Go To List of Shops

Monday, June 28, 2010

400 Followers and Sporatic Posting

Wow! I am so excited we hit 400 followers! I feel so special! Thanks for considering us important enough to add to your reader list. As you may have noticed, posting has been rather sporatic lately. That is due to a lot of things going on in my personal life (yeah, lame excuse, right?) But guess what? I FINISHED the Luv U Charm quilt! And Pam and Marcie made really good progress on their charm quilts yesterday at the local Crafty Girls Workshop meet up! It really was a blast. Hopefully next month I'll remember to take my camera and snap some pictures! I literally finished the binding on that quilt yesterday MORNING and the meeting was at 2:00 pm! Please don't forget to stop by the webstore and check out our NEW design and add your comment to our guest book. Plus, if you note any other oopsies about the shop that I have neglected to correct, please send them to me at to be entered in the Wacky Website Challenge Giveaway. I'll be choosing a winner on Thursday!! That's the update for now.

Happy Stitches,

Thursday, June 24, 2010

New Website Re-Design Need Feedback Please


Check out our NEW webstore re-design! Love it? Not so much? Whatcha think? Leave a note in our guestbook please!


Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Great Prices on Cotton Blossom Yardage

These three beautiful coordinates from the Cotton Blossom line designed by Bonnie and Camille of Thimble Blossom and Cotton Way fame (they also have a new line coming out soon called Bliss) are available at a wonderful discounted price both on our webstore AND our Etsy store! You can get a 1 yard or 1/2 yard bundle of these three PLUS some other coordinates but if you just want to grab a yard, why not stop by the Etsy shop and get one? Their listings are almost expired and I'd love to see these fly off the bolts before the end of the day. I think these would make up into some adorable tote bags and aprons for your home. Of course, there are always the many, many patterns we have listed on the webstore. I encourage you to go and CHECK IT OUT! We have five yards listed of each of these three and that means that on Etsy you can get up to 5 yards without having to request a separate listing! I hope you'll go check it out before this chance expires! Order before 3:00pm CST and your order will go out today!

Happy Stitches,

Monday, June 21, 2010

Voile by Anna Maria Horner and Valori Wells

                                                              Meadow Baby Bouquet

                                                                Sweet Baby Bouquet 

                                                               Nest Leaves Turquoise

These pretty 54" wide cotton voiles have arrived! We have at least 15 yards of each and they are sooo beautiful! The two on the left are from Anna Maria Horner's Little Folks lines and the beauty on the right is from NEST by Valori Wells. Both of these designers have hit a home run with their cotton designs and having the voile option is a special bonus! These are absolutely perfect for making into some nice cool tops for the HOT Texas summers we have here. I'm sure they'd be great for skirts and other lovely projects. I love how Michelle Webster from Keyka Lou describes them as a more affordable version of the Liberty of London fabrics! Thanks for the shout out today about our Girly Girl Fabric too Michelle! More to come soon! (By the way, you can click on the link below the pictures to go STRAIGHT to our website to purchase the fabrics. Don't forget that if you have that 10% coupon from the June newsletter you can still use it until June 30!)

Happy Stitches,
Anna and Regina
Crafty Girls Workshop

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Bunny Hill Designs, Oliver + S Patterns, and New 12 Days of Christmas Fabric Now in Stock!

Welcome to the Saturday Shop Showcase


We just received several new patterns from Bunny Hill Designs that were recently released at quilt market. We are completely in LOVE with her premier fabric line called Lily and Will (sneak peek here) due to arrive in October, but we snatched up these patterns right away to help you plan for your fabric purchases! Haha, actually, we just LOVE these patterns so much and see so many possibilities with them that we wanted to make them available right away! Not only are there several new Bunny Hill patterns, but Oliver + S had a couple of sweet little girl patterns that would be perfect for summer and all the way into the fall! Anne Sutton from Bunny Hill and Liesl from Oliver + S must have been in cahoots before Quilt Market because look at this version of the Sunday Brunch Jacket is so adorable! We have the cream quilted fabric ON ORDER because we think it would be AMAZING in this pattern (oh and with the blue plaid/checker TOO CUTE!)

Now as for that funny Christmas fabric in the middle of the mosaic up there, what IS that!? Well, it's the yardage we've purchased to coordinate with our precuts of Kate Spain's newest line called 12 Days of Christmas. Yes, it's getting to be that time when we need to start thinking about Christmas, ugh.

And while we're on that topic look at these great bags Regina just finished!

Here is a little bag that Regina just finished working on using an Aster Manor Charm Pack. Isn't it lovely? It has a drawstring top and a nice strap, plus pockets on the inside for your hard to find items. It is quilted together and a great bag for a grab and go Saturday trip to the market or a day on the town. This tote bag is listed in our Etsy shop as a finished item for sale. Perfect for a birthday (or Christmas) gift or gift for yourself!
But wait, there's more!

Here is another one, made with the same pattern but using a Freebird charm pack instead. These bags are fully lined with coordinating fabric and would make a great addition to any wardrobe. I've also heard these are great for carrying around knitting and other crafting supplies. Both bags are 14" wide by 11" tall. Don't forget the month of December (and all gift giving associated holidays) is only 7 months away! Time is running out!

Happy Stitches,

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Sharing Sunday (the post formerly known as Spill the Beans Sunday)

Thanks Graphics Fairy for this great picture!

Hey everyone. It's Sunday! The last day of the weekend. I'm going to try to make the best of my Sunday, how about you? So for today's question:

What project(s) are you working on right now?
Anything exciting?
Any blog posts about it? If so, please link in your comment. 

My next major project is to get that Love You Charm Quilt actually quilted. I never got to it last Monday, what a bummer! It's ready to go I just have to put my mind to it, ya know? My non-sewing project is that today I'm heading over to Regina's how (the other Crafty Girl) and we're going to work on re-photgraphing some of the stuff in our shop. I've heard over and over that the photos you have of your products speak volumes and usually help sell the items, sooo we're going to work on that today. Actually, last time when we brought out alllllllll of our bolts and put them into coordinating groups to photograph for bundles, I had A TON of fun! Today we're going to work on the precuts. I can't wait to see what you say in reply to the question! There are always some really interesting answers.

Happy Stitches,

Friday, June 4, 2010

I'm Gonna Try It

Count me in for Creativity Bootcamp! (Hey, it's better than Fitness Bootcamp!)

I'm excited about this, thanks Rachel, for blogging about this and helping me get inspired to join too!

boot camp
How about you? Will you join me too?
Click the picture for more information and to spread the word!
Also, I found an AMAZING and inspiring blog today, it's by Kelly Rae Roberts Actually, she wrote a book called Taking Flight and it's all about being creative and artistic and listening to yourself. I've only read the first few pages and I already feel so much more inspired! Off to read some more!
Happy Creative Stitches,

Thursday, June 3, 2010

June Special All OZ fabrics 10% off!

All of our really cute fabrics from the OZ line, including our 1 yard and 1/2 yard precut bundles are on sale for the entire month of June! If you purchase a bundle and would like to add one of our great quilting magazines for the below wholesale price of just $3 you can do so without any additional shipping charge! Remember, these are 100% cotton, high quality quilting fabrics from Moda, one of the leading fabric manufacturers in the country! We're happy to cut as little as one fat quarter up to as much yardage as you prefer! There is no limit to the amount of fabric you can purchase at this discounted price! We have 9 bolts and we'd love to empty them all this month! Remember this post from Monday about the charm quilts? Both of those that my new Crafty Friends are making use OZ for the sashing! We still have several Boutique and Tweet Tweet charm packs available for you to make into quilts as well! Need more inspiration, check out the pictures I found on Flickr of stuff people have made with OZ!

Pretty cool, huh? Oh and don't forget we have TONS of patterns so you can make lots of cool stuff and post it on OUR flickr page too! Just add a pattern in with your order and we'll make sure you don't have to pay the shipping cost (or that it's refunded). I hope you'll have fun shopping, saving, and be sure to come back and comment on yesterday's post to be entered in the drawing for a charm pack and 1 yard of fabric!

Happy Stitches,

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Wacky Website Challenge and GIVEAWAY

I'm back and I said I'd fill you in on the details of what I need help with. I need all of you crafty ladies (or gentlemen) who have crafty eyes to visit our website and look for typos, misspellings, wrong pictures, etc. You see, in a month's time, Crafty Girls Workshop DOT com is going to be participating in the Fab Shop Hop!! I want our website to be spic and span perfect for all the visitors. Also, I have some flexibility with the way our shop is sorted into categories so if you have any suggestions I'd LOVE to hear them. Remember, we have over 150 bolts of fabric, so it isn't really feasible for me to go in and completely change the categories, but if there is another way to sort the items that you'd like to suggest, please let me know. So here is the deal:

If you will visit the website, "shop" around, click on items, visit the links, test things out and then come back here and put a comment on this post that says "Hey, I visited your shop!" You'll get 1 entry into the drawing.

THEN, if you find something that needs correcting and let me know THROUGH E_MAIL (to avoid any embarrassment) you'll get 1 more entry into the drawing! If you comment on here with a correction, I'm not going to count that entry.

THEN, if you have a suggestion for improving the website and you e-mail me your suggestion(s) I'll put your name in the hat again and you'll get 1 more entry in the drawing.

Here's a bonus:
You can visit/comment/e-mail me EVERY DAY this month for another entry! Meaning, if you visit the website EVERY DAY this month and come back here and comment "Hey, I visited your shop!" or something like that, I'll put your name in the hat EVERY DAY. If you happen to find another typo or broken link and e-mail me you can do so every time you find an oopsy for another entry! I'll also give you another entry for any honest suggestions you want to offer me through e-mail.

You could possibly end up with at least 30 entries this month! Pretty cool, huh? Oh, you probably want to know what the prize is, right? I mean, what could possibly be worth all that work?

How about a BRAND NEW charm pack of the 12 Days of Christmas line PLUS a yard of white on white Snowflake fabric? A charm pack has 42 squares of precut fabric. They are 5" square which makes into a cute baby blanket, throw blanket (with sashing), tote bag, even an apron! Here is a picture of the white on cream, so you can get an idea of the actual snowflake pattern. The fabric you will win is actually white in the background so that it coordinates perfectly with 12 Days of Christmas. (We also just ordered three more bolts of coordinating fabrics from 12 Days that should arrive very soon.) So, are you ready to help me with some quality assurance of my website? On your mark, get set, GO!!

Oh, and since I'm posting this a day into June, I'll hold it over onto July 2 so that you can get an extra day to enter.

Happy Hunting,