Friday, April 30, 2010
Friendly Friday and Catching Up (Again)
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Spring and Mother's Day Inspiration

Sunday, April 25, 2010
Spill the Beans Sunday
True Confessions of a Crafty Blog-aholic
Hello, my name is Anna and I am ADDICTED to crafty blogs! So I finally figured out how to use Google Reader. Not that I didn't really know how to use it, just that I forgot it existed. Turns out ALL the blogs I've ever chosen to follow for ANY reason whatsoever have been logged on my Google Reader account! That means that when I log in to my account I can see them, ALL the Crafty Blogs I've sorted into the Crafty Blogs group are now nicely organized and I can read new post after new post after new post and go on a linky crafty world spree! So, I was working on reading all the 300+ NEW posts (seems I forgot about it again for a day or two) and in the mean time I found oh, four or five NEW blogs to add to my reader! That means that for every two or three new posts I actually read, I was adding another new blog with more NEW posts! Crazy!! Now, it's a good thing I'm doing this at the odd hours of the morning because if it was during the day I would REALLY feel like I was wasting time. But at this time of the morning, when the dogs are sleeping, hubby is sleeping, it's just me and the world of crafty blogs, hmm, I can get lost in inspiration!
But wait...There's MORE!
I have another confession:
I was organizing the shelves where I store most of my fabric and projects and I FOUND fabric I actually FORGOT I had! Is that horrible!? (Or just normal for a fabric-a-holic like me) I actually FOUND a few layer cakes from lines I REALLY love! I also found some charm packs and lots of patterns I had sort of just stuffed on the shelf for some odd reason. So, now that I've finished with folding the bigger pieces of fabric, I'm working on the declutter and actually sorting stuff in my Spring Studio Spruce Up. I hope that very soon I'll have some pictures to show you of my uber organized Spruced Up Sewing Space.
Your turn to SPILL THE BEANS!
What is YOUR addiction?
Fabric, beads, buttons, scrapbook paper, all of the above?
(Oh, don't get me started on my scrapbook paper addiction!)
Please share in the comments, you can post anonymously, don't worry, we won't tell your significant other.
Just remember: What happens on Crafty Girls Workshop Blog stays on Crafty Girls Workshop blog (unless you want us to share!)
Happy Stitches,
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Spring Spruce Up: Progress Report
This collection has been deleted by its author
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Spring Spruce Up: Fabric Folding Tutorial
I wanted to post the video directly here in the post but it's not working! So try clicking here for a direct link to the video on my flickr page.
Sorry about that!
Here's a little video-torial I created to show how to fold fabric for storing on your shelf. I hope you enjoy it and find it helpful. Thanks to the Happy Zombie (Monica Solorio Snow) who posted this first in a photo tutorial.
Happy Stitches,
Friday Follow, New Friend Friday, Feature Yourself
Monday, April 19, 2010
Spring (Studio) Spruce Up (part two): Sort and Organize
You know, in honor of Earth Day this Thursday (April 22nd) I think it makes sense to be sprucing up our studios or some part of our homes. It's a perfect time to air out your linens that have been stored away in favor of heavier blankets, and to rexamine the items in your home/sewing space. I figured out how to do a mosaic! Here's a great website for that.

1. Fabric storage, 2. my sewing table feb 09, 3. Craft Space (new home!), 4. magnetic board on inner cupboard door, 5. my desk, 6. Ribbon storage, 7. buttons 002, 8. A corner in my studio, 9. craft room glitter shelf
These were just gathered from the first 10 pages of the over 9000 images in the Craft Rooms group!
I found some totally cute storage cubes (collapsible) at DOLLAR TREE!
All of these for just $5 total! And they match my room colors, isn't that too cute?! The rectangle ones have dividers on the inside I think those will be perfect for organizing small notions and the others will be great for FQs and precuts.
Here are some other great ideas for storage:
Ribbon Storage in jars (with great tutorial)
Fabric Folding tutorial (Happy Zombie)
Video Rack turned Ribbon Holder (French Picnic)
Tipnut Buncha Links Organize Sewing Rooms and Crafts Supplies (They did all the work for me!)
General Decluttering Tips (Tipnut again)
Organize a Craft Space (Home Made Simple)
Wow, these pictures are so inspiring! I'm very determined to get my sewing room organized from top to bottom this week so I have some great pictures to post on Saturday!
Question(s) of the day: How to do you store your fabric/papers/thread/buttons?
Do you organize by color? By size (yardage)? By collection? Theme such as holiday? Come on! Spill the beans!!
Happy SpRiNg SpRuCe Up!!
Spring (Studio) Spruce Up Inspiration (part one)
Hmm, I have some more ideas but I think I'll save those for tomorrow's post, I can't wait! In the meanwhile, don't forget to link your post with pictures (before OR after is fine) on my linky post from Saturday! You will be entered to win a Goody Bag from Crafty Girls Workshop! Oh, and tell your friends!! I am determined I'm going to figure out how to make one of those neat-o mosaic thingys for tomorrow's post of great storage ideas! I have two ideas for storing ribbon, oh, actually, make that three I just remembered another one I can grab. Oh, and Kim over at Everything Etsy had a neat post a little while back about crafty spaces. Hope you'll check it out! Have a great Monday!
NOTE: You can post ANY Spruce Up to the linky page, I don't mind if it doesn't relate to a crafty/sewing space. Any sort of before/after will do and be inspiring to those of us who need to spruce things up a bit.
Happy Stitches (and Sprucing Up),
Sunday, April 18, 2010
My Blog is Carbon Neutral, is yours?
By the way, you should TOTALLY do this! It takes about three seconds and will make you feel better, hopefully. If you DO, please drop me a comment and I'll send you something special as a thank you.
Happy stitches,
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Spring Studio Spruce Up Challenge

Basically, my work space is a mess! I have the luxury of having an entire room dedicated to a creative space but yet I've moved my mess downstairs, hmm, seems sort of contradictory, don't you think? So my challenge to myself, and you if you choose to accept it, is to spruce of my sewing space for Spring! Then I can really get in there and work on some exciting projects and not feel like my hobby/business is taking over the dining room!

This collection has been deleted by its author
I can't wait to see your before pictures.
Happy Spring Spruce Up!
P.S. If you DO link up your before pictures you'll be entered to WIN a FREE goodie bag from Crafty Girls Workshop! I plan to do a drawing each week AND one at the end, so if you post every week, you'll get multiple entries! Please join me!!
Friday, April 16, 2010
Too Many Tops
Rocketship Quilt (from a kit I bought locally)
I am totally in love with this geeky sort of rocketship fabric. The cutest thing is the grey rectangle fabric has cute geek-y words all about science and space! Can you see that? I think it's adorable and educational at the same time! My hubby is a science teacher so if we ever had a baby boy I think this would be the perfect quilt for him. But for now, I'm going to quilt it up and list it in our Etsy shop for your baby boy!
I realized I'm really good at making tops, now I need to get better at quilting them!!
Of course, since today is Friday, I'm linking today's post to all the FUN Friday linky parties, including: Follow Me Friday, New Friend Friday, Friday Follow, Feature Yourself, and, Look at Me I'm So Crafty
Happy Stitches for the weekend!
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Catching Up

New Freebird by Momo and charms are available!
Monday, April 12, 2010
Welcome from Trendy Treehouse!
We're so thrilled to be featured today on Trendy Treehouse Marketing Monday! Please be sure to read our post from Saturday about the SPECIAL we're having on some CUTE fabric and a GIVEAWAY incentive if we sell ALL THREE BOLTS!
Thanks Tara!
Happy Stitches,
Friday, April 9, 2010
Super Saturday Sale!!
We're having a CRAZY SUPER SATURDAY SALE!! We want to sell ALL of the three bolts of fabric we have shown above. It's currently dropped to a super duper low....
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Guest Post from Orabelle Baby
A perfect spring outfit for a little girl!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Crafty Girls Hit the Road
Happy Stitches,
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Design Wall Update
Two by Fours Pattern made with Portobello Market JR
Aren't those fabrics pretty? I really wish that jelly roll was still available and the yardage too! I hoping that when we go to the Moda Retreat tomorrow we'll be able to find some yardage I can use for borders. I mean, we'll only have the ENTIRE warehouse available to search in! I also have a Martinique Jelly Roll and can't wait to make this same quilt from that JR!
So that leads me to my next item of business. I'll be gone for a few days, but don't worry, you won't be left in complete silence like you were last week (Sorry for that by the way). I have arranged for a couple VERY talented ladies to post in my absence and I think you are all in for quite a treat! Well, I must be going.
Oh, one more thing, if you HAPPEN to stop by our shop and try to purchase something, please accept my aplogies in advance if the cart doesn't work. We would be happy to process your order through e-mail, just drop us a line, with your order and I'll send you a pay pal invoice. I'm very sorry for this happening, we are working with the company to get it resolved as soon as we can (even if it means transferring our entire inventory to another store.)
Happy Stitches,
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Spill the Beans Sunday
Today's question:
Do you have any Easter/Spring traditions with your family?
My Answer:
Growing up we had the usual go to church, share big meal with family and hunt for eggs tradition. Occasionally we'd find an egg with candy a few months after Easter was over. I think we switched to plastic eggs when we found a month old hardboiled egg, EWWW! (just kidding - sort of)
Please share your answer in the comments section below, then link to your blog and spread the word! I think it would be awesome if we had more links than last week. Oh and I FINALLY figured out how to leave the linky thing open longer, so it will be open all week!
Hopefully I'll have a nifty blog party button to share soon too. Anyone want to help me out with that?
Happy Stitches,
Crisis Averted, Please Return to your Regularly Scheduled Shopping

Michael Miller High Tea Bundle Full and Half Yard Cuts
There is sooo much more listed on our web store AND on Etsy. Happy Shopping and Happy Easter!!
Found Something Cool to Play With
Happy Stitches,