We've reached sale number 30 so to celebrate I am going to give away 3 very cute (if I do say so myself) pincushions. That means we'll have 3 winners! You might wonder why these pincushions have those ribbon tabs on them. Well, when I was at a quilt retreat back in July I noticed that the very smart ladies there figured out how much easier life is when there is a pin cushion pinned to the design wall. So when I was sewing these up yesterday I decided to add a little ribbon tab to make it easy to just hang it on or pin it to the design wall. As it turns out, I already had lots of ribbons that coordinated perfectly with the 5" squares I had cut from my leftovers after some previous projects. I just love making pincushions like these, they are so easy and sew fun! They are stuffed with polester fiberfill, which I heard is a great stuffing because it keeps the needles sharp and they apparently slide through the fabric easier. I actually keep several pincushions all over my sewing room. OK, so you probably want to know how you can enter into the drawing, right? Just do any of the following, and please add each as a separate comment (makes it easier to count them that way) if we can get up to 100 comments, I'll add something extra to the drawing as well.
1) Visit our shops either on Etsy (mostly patterns and destash) or on Big Cartel (yardage and kits) and post here to let me know which one you visited and what you think
2) Blog about this giveaway and you'll get another entry in the drawing (comment here and tell me the address for your blog)
3) Write a tweet about it for your twitter friends
4) You'll get an extra entry for any friends who visit this blog and say you sent them
5) Become a follower of this blog so you can find out about shop updates
Be sure to tell me your e-mail or your blog address so I can contact you if you win the drawing!
Happy shopping and blogging and good luck!
I'll draw the winners on Wednesday 09-09-09.
Happy Stitches!