
Saturday, January 29, 2011

Super Duper Crazy Daisy FABRIC Sale!

Click here to go shopping!
I have lots of beautiful fabrics on sale at the shop! Stop by (the website) or the studio to see the beautiful selection of the great fabrics. These are designer fabrics, 100% cotton by Michael Miller and Moda.

Happy Shopping!


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Fabulous Fabric and eBook Give Away at Whimsy Couture

GIVEAWAY DRAWING IS CLOSED: Congrats to Gena the winner of the pattern and fabric!

Oops, we did it again, Crafty Girls Workshop and Whimsy Couture have teamed up to offer a great giveaway! We are offering a sewing kit for making a STRAPPY TOP or DRESS size 0 m-8 years with YOUR CHOICE of fabric!

You can win 1 sewing eBook with instructions on how to make either one of the shown garments and just enough fabric of your choice.

The pattern will be delivered via email after the winner is chosen.

Here is how you can enter:

  • follow Crafty Girls Workshop via google friend connect (over there in the side bar)
  • follow Crafty Girls Workshop via email (white sign up box) (activate please!)
  • place Crafty Girls Workshop's button visibly onto your blog
  • follow Crafty Girls Workshop via facebook
  • subscribe to Whimsy Couture blog via email (pink subscription box on top right & activate please!)
  • place the Whimsy Couture button visibly onto your blog and comment w/link back to your blog
  • follow Whimsy Couture via facebook
IMPORTANT! If you want to be entered, do the items above AND go visit Denise over at Whimsy Couture's blog, LEAVE A COMMENT on her blog for EACH of the items you did.

If you leave a comment here you'll be entered, but if you want multiple entries, you have to leave them at Denise's blog.

The winner will be announced next Tuesday.

Please make sure there is a way to contact you through your comment or else we'll draw somebody else.

Good Luck!!

Happy Stitches,

Friday, January 21, 2011

SheyB Camera Strap for $15

SheyB Camera Strap $15!

Boy do I have a deal for you!

GroopDealz is showcasing the wonderful SheyB Camera Straps for $15 + $3 shipping. SWEET!

If you've got a SLR camera, you certainly want your camera strap to reflect your creative personality. Choose from the 3 straps below for $15! (+$3 shipping)
"You're not boring, why should your camera be?"

Hurry, this offer ends on Sunday at midnight

Thursday, January 20, 2011


I've done it! I managed to figure out all on my lonesome a good solution to building a community right here on my blog!! See the new tab up there next to About Me? It's called COMMUNITY and it's there for YOU ALL to participate on this blog! You might remember from my new year's resolution post that I said I wanted to build a bigger community here on the blog. I didn't have to move to Wordpress (gasp!) or pay for Ning (too pricey) but I DID figure out that Blog Frog has this nifty thing that allows me to put the community right there on a separate page on my blog!! Yippee! So, now I can have more interaction with y'all out there in blog world. Or that's the hope at least. I posted a discussion on the community page to hopefully get some people talking.

Today's discussion topic:

 What are you doing to organize for 2011? It doesn't even have to be your sewing/crafting space.

Please share! Click on the Community tab up there and reply to the discussion. Or you can just comment on this post if you'd like. Thanks for joining the Crafty Community.

Happy Stitches,

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Craft Space Organization 2011

Thanks to Tip Nut for compiling ALL these GREAT links for craft space organization! I get inspired just looking at the pictures to the links!

So many of you said in your New Years Resolution comments that you want to get organized this year so hopefully this link to Tip Nut will help you get started. I plan to add more links as I find them and maybe move this to a tab up there at the top. I'd love to see before and after pictures of your reorganization of your crafty space! Remember I have a Flickr group for Crafty Girls Workshop, why not join in and add your pics to inspire us all?

And here are some books and magazines about organizing your crafty space for even more inspiration:

Happy Stitches,

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Making Stuff Today

This is a ticker tape block, which is the February Block of the Month project for the San Antonio Modern Quilt Guild. And I finished it, before February!!! (the background is white and has moons, because my last name is Luna which means moon in various languages)

This is an apron I just whipped up, no pattern, just an idea in my head. I've been meaning to make an apron from this fabric for FOREVER! It has the cutest phrases on it like "Dating? I'd rather be sewing!" or "I told him not to make me choose between him and my fabric, I'll really miss him." It's hilarious!! The back is the cutest red with little white flowers on it. And of course I had to throw a giant pocket on it, since I plan to wear this at the Kingsland Quilt Show next week. It's my first quilt show to EVER be a vendor!
Wish me luck!

So I'd say that I've been very productive today, for a Thursday especially. This means that tomorrow I'll actually have something to show off at the Friday Sew and Tell here at the studio. Oh and making the block and the apron? That was sort of like procrastinating from what I really need to do which is finish up the Sugar Free quilt. (More on that later.)

Happy Thursday Stitches to everyone!!


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Inspiration from Blogland

Someone new decided to follow me on Twitter the other day.

I thought her website name, Design Seeds, was interesting so I went to check it out.

Click to visit blog

How inspiring! She combines all these beautiful color palettes and posts them with an inspiration picture! Not only is this an inspiration for decorating my home (yeah right) but more over I could totally see taking these color combinations and creating quilts! And it turns out, I already have fabrics that are in these color palettes:

This looks so fun and fresh, perfect for a little child's quilt! Look at this perfect charm pack I have that has all these colors!

And these are the prettiest girl colors.

What do you know? I have a charm pack that goes with that too!

And can't wait to make a quilt out of these colors:

You know, I think Jessica (from Design Seeds) just might be on to something over there! Now you should go check out Design Seeds because there are so many more pictures to inspire! Which one is your favorite?

Happy Stiches,


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Giveaway Winners

Congrats to Estee and Jenny who have won the giveaway!! 

Thanks to everyone who entered, what amazing resolutions you all have they were very inspiring to read each one. I guess now that you've written them down you have to do them! I'll be sure to check in again in six months to see your progress.


There are some NEW fabrics listed in the shop as well as new classes AND new charm packs!!

Have a great Tuesday!

Happy Stitches,

Friday, January 7, 2011

ORIGINS Charm Pack Restocked!

I was able to REORDER the Origins Charm packs and they are now in stock ($6.50 each)! Just in time to take advantage of the ORIGINS SALE going on until Saturday (or Sunday). So hop over there RIGHT NOW and grab some charms because they won't last long at this price. PLUS grab some yardage for only $7.00 a yard and I'll refund any over charge of the shipping. And believe me, you'll kick yourself if you don't get that coordinating yardage when you buy the precuts. I speak from experience. I also have so many great patterns that use charms in the shop! Especially some cute quilt patterns and they are PDF so you'll get them in your e-mail within 12 hours of ordering!

Happy Shopping!


P.S. If you place your order before 4:30pm CST, it might even go out the door today!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

New Classes + Easy Registration = Happy Craftistas

If you're local to San Antonio great news! I've added links in the sidebar of this blog to ALL the classes for January! Just click the links to see the info and register. If you get my blog posts in your e-mail, you'll have to actually visit the blog to see the links. ;-)

Have you ever felt like you have about 50 irons in the fire that can only hold about 10? I sort of feel like I'm a fondue pot!

I have so much going on right now, between day job, the studio, the website, filling orders, and trying to keep my head on! Thanks for your patience with me and your continued support.

I hope that future blog posts will be more "interesting" including some interviews with pattern designers and more giveaways from my sponsors.

Oh and I'm toying with the idea of an e-class about a Crafty Start Up, so if you can't make it to my class (taught on January 28th) because you're in another STATE or COUNTRY, then you'll have access to the same information. What do you think of that? Do I really NEED another project to do?? When will I ever find time to sew? So many of you have said one of your new year's resolutions is to bump up your Etsy shop and that's what the e-class would help you do.

Don't forget about the giveaway!!

Happy Stitches,

Monday, January 3, 2011

Origins by Basic Grey on SALE

PSST Did you see the picture over there -------------------------------->
All of my Origins Yardage (and precuts) is ON SALE but ONLY THIS WEEK
(click the picture to the right to see my Origins selection)

PSSSTTT Are you signed up for my newsletter ?(scroll down on the website, enter your name in the Shop Updates Box) OR sign up in the box to the right       -------------------------------->
I'm planning to send out a coupon code for the month for 10% off your order!

Happy Stitches,

PS Don't forget to leave a comment for the GIVEAWAY! And make sure you either include your e-mail in your comment or the no-reply-blogger option is disabled. I can't give your prize if I can't contact you about winning! (If you already commented and realized that you are a no-reply-blogger, PLEASE comment again with your e-mail OR e-mail me with your address)

Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Years Resolutions and a GIVEAWAY

What are YOUR new years resolutions this year?

They can be sewing related or not. I'd just love to hear what your goals are. If you comment on this post with YOUR resolutions, I'll enter you in a drawing for...your choice of a bubble envelope FULL of scraps from my shop fabrics OR a charm pack of your choice from the shop

My resolution: To blog more and build a community among my blog readers and customers.

I feel like I'm so lucky to get to meet so many wonderful people who visit my blog and those of you who purchase from my shop. I always want to know WHAT you're making or working on. I mean I always share, why not try to build a community so I can see what you make? That might mean a few things, it might mean moving my blog to Wordpress (gasp!) or building a Ning social network site (gasp!) or figuring out Blog Frog (gasp!) But right now, I'll just remind you of the Sew and Show flicker group I have and I'll encourage you to visit it and share pictures you have of projects you've made or UFOs you have and want to finish this year.

Looking forward to your replies!

Oh and the giveaway drawing will be held on Saturday, January 8th.

Happy Stitches,
